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Zenscale Task Management Tool

Makes you more organized

Task Management System

Task Management Tool Turns
Your Worries Into Freedom Create Submit Close Goal Achieved

project management software

Real-Time Management

ZenTask is cloud based and gives synchronized updates on actual developments on an intraday basis. This kind of real-time management enhances the planning of operations, saves you time and turns it into money.

best task management software

Centralize Focus On Key Issues

Get riddance from diaries and paper. Updated to-do lists always on the screen.

best task management software

Work From Anywhere-Always in Sync

With a login ID, task management can be operated on any device. Android app of ZenTask is available on Google Play

Task Management Software

Full Control On Daily Activities

Streamlined task allotment ensures systematic execution of tasks on an everyday basis. Updated to-do lists brings clarity on daily actions and priorities.

Best To Do List App

Get Cloud Security For Your Data

There is never any data loss as your documents and information is permanently stored on cloud for easy access anytime, anywhere. We respect your privacy

Task Management System

Finish Project Before Deadlines

With appropriate tools like task management, it becomes possible to finish projects ahead of schedule. You gain time achieve constructive teamwork and competitiveness that lets you focus on key issues.

best task management software

Reminders and Alerts

Notifications improve company performance by ensuring 100% visibility of critical information. With app and email alerts of meetings or due-today, workers can focus more on revenue driven work.

Task Management Software

Start Sharing With Colleagues n Family

That is the fun! Add your friends, colleagues or family as users to start building tasks together. View personal and professional chores on a single page.

See How Organizations Are Using ZenTask

So easy to check daily progress of tasks and view them against the backdrop of the whole project.
It becomes simple to see how they relate to each other and to the bigger picture.

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Task Management Software

Are You Experiencing any of These Issues ?

We all face many challenges while managing any business, but it’s the nitty-gritty that bogs us down. Look for these snags in your way of working to know what you are missing.

  • Can you monitor office work when you are away?
  • Is there any way for you to track inter-departmental tasks
  • Do your teams work in a coordinated way to achieve goals?
  • Do you feel the need for an interactive platform for assigning work, setting priorities with a room for approval?
  • Do you want the workers to follow a proper chain of command while executing tasks along a hierarchy?
  • Are you finding it difficult to handle remote workers?
  • Do you have to tediously make reports in spread sheets and jot down to-do lists on paper, which lose relevance the next day?

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